Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

PLANNER and PLANNING Scope of work

Planning "Planning" means the scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being of urban and rural communities.

Responsible  PlanningResponsible planning has always been vital to the sustainability of safe, healthy, and secure urban environments. Indonesian's population is growing and, with more people migrating from rural to urban areas, the planning profession must increasingly deal with urbanization issues, such as:
conversion of land from natural habitats to urban built areas,
maintenance and use of natural resources and habitats,
development of transportation related infrastructure,
ensuring environmental protection.

Not only do planners deal with land use, but also:
Planning social and community services,
Managing cultural and heritage resources,
Creating economic capacity in local communities,
Addressing transportation and infrastructure,
Work internationally.

Over that last century, Indonesia has been transformed from a rural to an urban, industrial society. The impact of this transformation on our cities, towns and communities has provided us with some of our greatest challenges as a society.

How do we work?
How do we serve everyone's needs?
How do we provide and maintain the daily services that make life pleasant and efficient?
How do we add to the community without destroying its past?
How do we sustain our environment for the present and renew it for the future.
One of the key contributors to making urban and rural life workable, livable, and prosperous is the professional planner.
A planner provides research, reasoned analysis and recommendations to both the public and the private sector, intended to meet the needs of all sectors of society.
One of america's important planners at the beginning of this century, Thomas Adams, regarded good planning as "the conservation of life and economy in the system of developing land."
The best planners need many skills to make sure all considerations are met during a project.

Planners integrate the goals of sustainable development, good government and economic viability when evaluating proposals and strategies.
They may work for the public or the private sector, but ultimately their work becomes part of or a catalyst to public policy. Planners' work balances various private interests with the public interest and identifies viable, workable options.

The implementation of any plan, however well thought out, involves changes, and change does not always come easily. Planners strive to develop clear plans for action and implement ongoing evaluations of successes and failures as part of their work.
With increasingly complex urban challenges, planners need a set of skills and talents that includes knowledge of land, air and water resources, employment trends, cultural diversity and associated issues, the use and needs of new technologies, and conflict resolution.

There are many tools, both well established and state-of-the-art, used in the planning process:
Vision and strategy sessions of interested groups
Ideas fairs to bring together the best of new concepts
Computer simulations and scale models of plans
Design workshops
Social and environmental impact analysis

Planning  jobs can vary widely, and can have many differing job titles, such as:

City planner                        
Planning director
Planning consultant
Policy analyst
Recreation and park planner
Regional planner
Resource development officer
Social planner
Strategic planner
Transportation planner
Urban designer

Municipal planner
Planning director
Planning consultant
Policy analyst
Recreation and park planner
Regional planner
Resource development officer
Social planner
Strategic planner
Transportation planner
Urban designer

Planners almost always work as part of a team, either with other planners, other professionals such as engineers or architects, or with politicians and citizens. With your varied background and communication skills, you will often be the one person who brings together a coherent plan of action that draws upon ideas of experts and knowledgeable participants.

Understanding Data and Numbers
Planners must feel comfortable interpreting population statistics, economic and social data, geographical information, resource inventories and environmental indicators. You will use this information to support your policy and project proposals

The physical world around you
Most planners have a genuine interest in geography and the environment. Understanding how landscapes are formed, what happens to surface water when land is developed, how topography affects the design of roads and subdivisions, how to safely dispose of human and industrial waste, and how to preserve trees and natural resources, all require the natural curiosity and broad background that planners possess.

Understanding your neighbours
Most planners are concerned with balancing the rights of individuals with the needs of the larger population. Understanding the needs and views of all concerned is essential whether it be families, single people, an aging demographic, or differences due to income or ethnic background.  You will need to seek out and understand the diverse voices of your community

Planners should have the ability to communicate ideas though the use of text, charts and pictures in presentations and reports for clients, other professionals, the general public and politicians. Planners also create maps, plans and 3-D models to represent their ideas

Flexible schedule
Because so much of a planner's job involves working with people in the community and taking directions from elected councils, you will often have to make time outside of normal working hours to attend meetings. Many planners work in government - either at the municipal, regional, provincial or federal level.
In addition, planners experience a sense of achievement through their work by improving the quality of life in communities. This is accomplished by working with a multitude of professionals and community stakeholders.  Establishing, maintaining and improving multiple important relationships provide skills that are a major benefit when acquired by young planners. Planners also benefit from being able to further one’s knowledge of professional planning through continuous educational opportunities provided through the national and affiliate programs.

Planning as a Career
Planners link knowledge and action in ways that improve public and private development decisions which affect people, places and the environment.
To be effective, planners must have knowledge and experience in a wide range of topics

 As a planner, you may:
recommend policy and guidelines on land use, environmental conservation, housing, and transportation;
do research and prepare reports on demographic, economic, cultural, social and environmental issues;
review proposals for development to ensure that they follow regulations and generally accepted planning practice;
prepare plans for developing private lands, providing public spaces and services and maintaining and improving the environment;
answer questions from the public on planning policies and procedures;
speak before public meetings or formal hearings;
consultation with landowners, interest groups and citizens.

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